Friday, June 25, 2010

The Moments of Love - 1. My Childhood

Hi friends... These postings contain the loveliest moments of my life.... I have included my cute and joyful childhood, the sweetest moments of my teenage and how I fell in love.
 I dedicate it to my love, Jyothi.

                 I can still recollect the days of my childhood reminding me of my granfather's words " Bobby you were born here in this town and those were the most precious moments of my life. " He is the father my mother and he always says " You were born here so this is your native place dont say that small village of your grandfather as your native place...". And I used to nodd my head possitively and say " Grand pa, I like u very much" with a innocent smile, which always made my grand father to take me into his arms for a warm hug.
                 I cannot forget the summers I used to spend in that town with my brother, Jagan, (cross) cousins Bala and Harish. Our mornings were spent at banks of river Naagavali where we used to swim and have a nice refreshing bath. My grand paa used to take me with him to the hospital where he used to work as a compounder(sort of male nurse). Though going to hospital was boring, my grand pa always took care that I was kept entertained by talking about many interesting thing like what kind of toys he would buy for me in the way to home and which movie he would take me today. I used to like him too much and thought that I can never like any one like I liked him which was proven wrong in the future.
                   Mom used to scold me once everyday saying " Why do you eat such horrible things outside with your grand paa and neglect the dinner?". As usual my grand paa used to come to my rescue in time and say, " Dont say a word to my grand son".
                   During nights he used to take me in him arms and used to sing songs he composed for me which slipped me into a nice tight sleep.
                   And the most painful period for me was when we had to return to Hyderabad. My father was posted as constable in Hyderabad after his training. So, we stay there and my brother and me both did our schooling and Inter there.
                   When we had to leave to Hyderabad I used to weep a lot and say " I would stay with my grand paa and join a school here." I used to grab his hand and say that I would leave grand paa and grand paa also used to ask my parents to leave me there and he would sponsor me for my education. But my parents used to deny the request and my mom always spoke these words, “I would like my kids to stay with me only and I cannot stay without seeing them for such a long time."
                     The send off was full of tears and night of the journey to Hyderabad was always filled of the memories of my days in my grand paa's town Srikakulam.
                     The memories of my child hood were filled with the moments I spent with very vague memories related to my father's village.
                     Whenever we visited there my grandfather used to greet me, "Hello my son. How are u?" I was not much acquainted with him so used to nod my head silently. All my uncles and aunties liked me very much.
                     One cute little girl whose always took my attention with two pony tails and with a blush on her face; she was none other than Jyothi.

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